A slightly quieter week this week, after all the mayhem of the last few weeks of spring term... we have been continuing with some of our most popular online classes, as well as starting up zoom meetings for all the senior school, which have been extremely successful.
Besides dancing, behind the scenes we have been busy mapping out the show programme. As well as all the text and information that needs to be included, Miss Jess has begun drawing all the artwork for the programme and working on the overall design. We are very lucky to have somebody in house to do this, as it means it is another aspect of the production that we can tie in with the overall themes that we have chosen; making the whole theatre experience more immersive. For some pupils, past and present, these aspects of a production can be what capture their attention and they have become very interested in the other elements involved in putting a production together: some have also gone further with this at university. This is another reason why we like to pay attention to all areas of the production and not just the dancing, as there are many opportunities the theatre can give to those who are interested in a future linked to the arts.
However, unfortunately, with the recent government announcements regarding Covid-19, I can now confirm that the show will be postponed. As you can tell from my comments above and over the past few weeks, we have every intention of putting this production on the stage, but I cannot confirm when the new production dates shall be. We have got some options pencilled in with Stantonbury Campus Theatre, but until the government make further announcements concerning school closures and permissible gatherings, neither myself nor the staff at Stantonbury can confirm a rescheduled date. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to remain as patient as possible and keep up to date with our blogs and online posts for any news.
Furthermore, our summer term should have started this coming Saturday, 25th April. Like the rest of you, we still don’t know when we will be able to reopen our doors, but we will continue to post sessions online for all our members to access. As a way of marking the start of summer term, we are going to hold two live facebook sessions for the younger members of the school. These shall take place on Saturday 25th April – 9:00am for pre-school ballet and 9:30am for preliminary ballet. However, if other pupils from other classes would also like to join in, you are all more than welcome. If this proves to be popular and a better way for you to access our classes online, then we shall continue to bring lessons to you following this format during the summer term until we can return to some kind of normality.
As I have said before, your feedback will be greatly appreciated during this time and if you would like to send in any pictures or videos of your little ones or yourself joining in with any of the sessions at home then please do so, we would love to see them! Hope to hear from lots of you this Saturday!
