We are just starting week 2 of the autumn term and everybody seems to have settled very nicely into our new routine. We had a very successful return to classes and have now been able to catch up with everybody after several months of only seeing you through a screen!
Some of you may have seen our name around town a little more than usual, as we have launched a new advert, which is appearing at MK's Planet Ice and Top Jump venues. This advert uses 'Tap & Snap' technology, which allows potential customers to retrieve the dance school's information instantly on their smart phones; this might be something that you would all like to try out yourselves next time you have a day out at one of these venues, especially if you haven't had a chance to take a look at our website for a while, which is regularly updated. We also have our usual adverts, which appear in the ToddleAbout magazines, as well as in MK Connect.
Although we are really pleased with the look of these adverts and they obviously help to promote the school enormously; nothing helps us to keep the school growing more than your recommendations. Over the years our main client base has always come from the kind words of our existing members and we would like to ask you kindly to continue doing this. As you know we have had to limit our timetable on our return to ensure the future of the school is as safe as we can make it, but we would like to be able to add some more of our specialist classes and also multiple lessons for our more popular classes throughout the week to offer more choice for our existing, past and potential dancers. This has always meant in the past that we have continued to run classes that are not fully booked to be able to cater for as many people's individual needs as possible, but at the moment we are a little more limited to how much we can do this. With your help, we are hoping that we can continue to promote the school, spreading the word and making others aware of the classes we offer and the nature of the school. If we can increase the number of members we have once more then we can also start to slowly build our timetable back up to where it was pre-Covid.
There are a range of ways you can help us to do this: word of mouth with your friends and family; leave us a review on our facebook page; leave us a review on google (the links to these pages are below). It is always lovely to hear the kind feedback that so many of you give us on a weekly basis, but with your permission we would like to let everybody know about your experiences. If you are happy to leave a review please be aware that we may also use this on our official website, as a testimonial. If you would prefer us not to do this, then please drop us a message and we shall respect your wishes.
In other news, we have already been asked by Brooksward School to provide an after school street dance club, which Miss Jess has started this week on a Monday evening. Miss Jess was very pleased with the response from students who attended the club and we are hoping that we will be able to continue to develop this positive relationship with the school. If any of you work or are involved with other academic schools in Milton Keynes, primary or secondary, and are interested in the types of clubs we can provide then please get in touch. We have a long history of providing dance clubs for schools, but have also provided PE dance lessons, workshops within school hours and also A level dance.
Please keep in contact and drop us a message if you have any queries and thank you in advance if you have any time to spare to leave us a review over the next week.
