We are back and it is great to see you all again in person!
Saturday morning saw the return of our very popular junior lessons and whilst all us teachers were a little apprehensive, the younger school came in full of confidence like they had never been away! We then moved on later to our intermediate school and of course our inter and senior rehearsal group who cracked down to a great start rehearsing for our Wind in the Willows performance - take two! It was lovely having all the different age groups back for the various lessons and we look forward to seeing the rest of the school as this week progresses.
We hope you will agree that the procedures we have put in place regarding covid-19 worked well and we were able to start all of the classes on time, despite temperature checking and cleaning of hands. All of the pupils coped brilliantly with these changes, so a big well done!
It was lovely to see so many pupils in set uniform as well. For this term and moving forwards, we would really like to promote full uniform for classes, especially ballet. It really helps for everybody to be in the right frame of mind walking into a ballet lesson if appropriate clothing is worn and hair is tied back neatly. We understand that some pupils have outgrown their uniform and others may have only just joined us, but if you do have a leotard at home please make use of it and wear it for class.
We hope you all have had no trouble in finding our new premises. The staff at Brooksward School have made us feel very welcome and have tried to think of everything possible to make our move here as smooth as possible. Thank you to everybody who has stayed with us, despite maybe having to travel a little further, but we hope you agree it has definitely been worth taking the plunge and relocating. Brooksward School is a friendly, clean and organised environment to be working in and we hope that as you get used to the new premises that you'll be pleased with our decision.
We are taking the next few weeks as time to settle in and find our feet again after being away for so long, but look out in the near future for further information on how we plan to start integrating our previous show rehearsals into the new classes, whilst progressing the children on to the next level they would have normally been working towards. We also hope that we will soon be able to expand the timetable, one step at a time, to get a little closer to where we were pre-lockdown, with the re-introduction of character dance and some further fitness lessons too.
As always, if you would like to chat about any aspects of the school then please contact us on one of the many different platforms or by email/phone and if you are pleased to be back and you have two minutes to spare then please leave us a nice google review by clicking on the following link: https://g.page/dancewithatt/review?gm
